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Monday, October 27, 2014

Unit 9 Podcast


Blogger seems to have some issues with uploading MP3 formats.  Here is a link to download a copy of my podcast.  I hope you all enjoy.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Discuss social media, describing how individuals can use these digital tools to advance their careers or reputations

Social media is a tool that can greatly enhance your career and reputation.  It is a growing beast that we as a society now must control but it gives us a new power to create our public image for all others to see.  It is an amazing way for an individual to seek and advertise their individual personality and stand out from the masses.  Remember though, it should be your goal though to stand out in a positive way rather than a negative one. 
Social media gives us the opportunity to make connections within our chosen profession that otherwise would have been impossible before the social media revolution.  We have the ability to join groups, professional organizations, or follow the company or customers that we intend to work for. 
A rule to live by though is to remember that anything you post online will be there forever so before you post ensure that you are maintaining a professional message.  A good way to do this is to keep your personal and professional online profiles separate.
Social media is a powerful tool that is not going anywhere anytime soon and we must understand it if we are to master the benefits and negate the disadvantages.